What is the meaning of mass in running order?

Motorhome with supports to weigh the motorhome

The mass in running order is composed of the following items:

  • Tare weight of the motorhome
  • 100% filled fresh water tank
  • 100% filled gas bottles/li>
  • 90% filled fuel tank
  • One person with 75 kg
  • On-board tool kit
The legally permissible tolerance for specifying the mass in the driving width condition for motor homes is ± 5 %. This tolerance is intended to compensate for weight fluctuations in supplier parts or other processes.

Tare weight of the motorhome

The empty weight includes all operating materials such as greases, oils and coolants. It refers to the motorhome including the body as it is delivered as standard by the manufacturer. This means including all equipment features that are included in the scope of delivery at the factory. All additional equipment that is installed at the request of a customer, affect the mass in running condition.

100% filled fresh water tank

Many motorhomes have a fresh water tank with 100 liters or more capacity. In order to save weight here when specifying the mass in running condition, many manufacturers calculate only the so-called driving filling of the fresh water tank in this specification. This is usually only 20 liters.

100% filled gas cylinder

The weight of a 100% filled gas cylinder is usually considered on the basis of an aluminum cylinder. Using the example of a gas cylinder with a capacity of 11 kg, the weight of the filled cylinder is made up of the empty weight of the gas cylinder (approximately 5.3 kg) and the filling (11 kg). This results in a weight of approximately 16 kg. A steel cylinder with a capacity of 11 kg weighs 12.5 kg empty. So if a steel cylinder is used, the mass increases by around 7 kg when the vehicle is ready to drive.

90% filled fuel tank

Most base vehicles used to build a motorhome offer different sizes of fuel tank from the factory. For example, if a vehicle is offered from the factory with only a 60 liter fuel tank, only 54 liters will be considered when specifying the mass in running condition. If a buyer of a corresponding motorhome wants a larger fuel tank, this also affects the mass in running order.

A person with 75 kg

This value represents the weight of the driver. Regardless of the actual weight of the driver, this value is taken into account according to the EU standard, when specifying the mass in running order, a flat rate of 75 kg.

On-board tool kit

To the on-board tools include, if available, the spare wheel, or a tire puncture kit and the appropriate tool to change or repair the damaged tire in the event of a breakdown.

Why is the mass in running order so important?

For many motorhome drivers it is important not to exceed the maximum weight of 3,500 kg. The reason for this is that with a passenger car driver's license obtained after 1999, you can only drive vehicles up to 3,500 kg.

Abbildung eines alten rosafarbenen Führerscheins

Certainly there are still many motorhome drivers who have completed the driving license before 1999. These are allowed to drive vehicles up to 7.5 tons. However, according to the Highway Code, vehicles over 3.5 tons are legally classified as trucks and are therefore also subject to the guidelines for trucks.

This includes in particular the maximum speed limit on highways and on rural roads.

Overloading the motorhome

Regardless of whether you are allowed to drive a motorhome over 3.5 tons, it is automatically considered overloaded if the maximum permitted weight of 3,500 kg is exceeded.

And this is where the problems begin for motorhome drivers.

The following sample calculation is intended to show how quickly an overload of a motorhome is reached.

If a motorhome is specified with, for example, 3,000 kg mass in running order, this value can vary by 150 kg (5%) according to EU standards. This means that the value can be between 2,850 and 3,150 kg. Assuming the motorhome has optional equipment beyond the standard equipment with a weight of 100 kg, which can be reached very quickly. In addition, the real driver does not weigh 75 kg but 100kg. The co-traveling person weighs 80kg.

The accessories needed for the trip, such as dishes, pots, food, clothes, table and chairs, etc. weigh 250 kg. Then the total weight of the vehicle is 3,605 kg. This means that the vehicle is overloaded by 105 kg.

Consequences of overloading

An overloaded vehicle loses its operating license. Although there are tolerance limits of overloading in Germany which are only subject to a fine, but in the event of an accident for which the driver is not responsible, the vehicle driver will bear, if necessary, a share of the blame or, under certain circumstances, perhaps even the full blame. Also, the insurance will possibly not or only partially pay for damages.

Ein Polizist der in einer Kontrolle ein Wohnmobil anhält

But since motorhome drivers also like to go abroad, you should also know the consequences in the respective country.

So one is exposed in Italy to the arbitrariness of the respective official. He decides locally on the amount of the fine, which must also be paid directly on the spot. The range of the fine reaches from 60, - euro to 1.682, - euro.

In France, the fine ranges from 135,- Euro up to 750,- Euro. However, an immediate shutdown of the motorhome can also threaten if the overload is more than 20%. If the permissible total weight is exceeded by more than 5% but less than 20%, a Weiterfahr may only take place if the weight was reduced accordingly.

In Luxembourg, the fine for overloading ranges from 74, - Euro up to 5,000, - Euro or even a prison sentence of eight days to one year respectively for the driver and the holder. In addition, the motorhome can also be immobilized.

In Great Britain the fine can amount up to 6,000, - euro, in Spain up to 4,600, - euro.

Leading a vehicle overloaded, which unfortunately is much more common with motorhomes than you might think, is a very bad idea.


The mass in running order is an important factor when buying a motorhome. Let calculate exactly how heavy the vehicle will be, if the respective special equipment was installed in the motorhome. Take into account the tolerance values.

Consider exactly which accessories are permanently carried in the vehicle. Will additional bicycles or e-bikes be carried? How many people will ultimately ride in the motorhome?

Try to determine in advance a realistic weight for all objects and people, which affect the weight of the vehicle when traveling with the motorhome.

If the permissible total weight is then exceeded, often the only option is to increase the weight of the motorhome.

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