Warcombe Farm Camping Park

(1 Reviews)
Warcombe Farm Camping Park
Station Road, EX34 7AU Mortehoe, Vereinigtes Königreich
Phone number: +441271870690

Estimated Price

EUR 42.30
One Night Stay for Two Persons
Links marked with * are advertising (affiliate links)

Warcombe Farm Camping Park in Mortehoe, Vereinigtes Königreich, not only impresses with its stunning location, but also with its modern and well-kept facilities.

Let yourself be transported into a world of relaxation and serenity by the natural beauty of a picturesque creek flowing along a peaceful meadow.

On this campground, families can experience an unforgettable vacation, as it offers a variety of kid-friendly facilities such as a playground as well as various leisure activities like hiking and cycling.

Warcombe Farm Camping Park is a dog-friendly campsite that's perfect for a holiday with your loyal companion. The surroundings are ideal for shared activities in nature.

Surroundings and Distances

Restaurant 1.88 km
Cafe 1.84 km
Bakery 1.92 km
Convenience Store 1.07 km
Laundry 1.86 km
ATM 1.86 km
Playground 1.12 km
Swimming Pool 0.95 km
Gas Station 0.90 km
Museum 2.04 km

For those who also rely on a stable internet connection during their vacation, this campsite is the perfect choice. A powerful Wi-Fi network ensures that guests are always online.

On this camping site, you will find everything you need for a comfortable stay, including dishwashing sinks so that you can clean your dishes conveniently.

The sanitary facilities at this campsite are top-notch and well-maintained. Guests can look forward to plenty of sinks, showers, and toilets, providing a comfortable stay.

A good infrastructure is crucial for an uncomplicated camping vacation. At this campsite, guests can dispose of their chemical toilets and grey water, obtain fresh water, and use reliable electricity.

Location Warcombe Farm Camping Park






Opening Hours: 17.03 - 31.10
Quiet Time at Noon: n/a
Total Area: 5 ha
Number of Parking Spaces: n/a
Plot Size in square meters: n/a
Maximum Length of Motorhome: n/a
Number of Rental Accommodations: n/a
Longitude -4.19011770
Latitude 51.17165770
Altitude above sea level: 186 m
Links marked with * are advertising (affiliate links)
All information without guarantee. Despite the greatest care, information may contain errors, or no longer correspond to the current status. Therefore, please inform yourself at the operator of the place about current conditions and circumstances.


Value for Money
Sanitary Facilities
Food and Drink

Restaurants and Cafes Nearby

Average Temperatures per Month (Mortehoe)




Family camping 
Camping with dog 
Seaside camping 
Lake camping 


Greywater disposal 
Chemical toilet disposal 
Fresh water supply 
Gas bottle exchange 
Power supply 




Motorhomes allowed 
caravan allowed 

Pitch Equipment

Water connection at pitch 
Waste water disposal at pitch 
Electricity connection at pitch 
Ground surface grass 
Ground surface paved 

Sanitary Facilities

Diaper changing room 
Sanitary facilities heated 

Laundry and Dishwashing

Dishwasher sink 
washing machines 
tumble dryer 

Sports and Leisure at the Place

Children's playground 


Dogs allowed 
Leash required 
Dog park 


Payment with credit card Visacard 
Payment with credit card Mastercard 
Payment with EC card 

Languages Spoken at Reception



site illuminated 

Questions and Answers

Are dogs allowed at Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes dogs are allowed at Warcombe Farm Camping Park.

Is there wifi at Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes there is wifi at Warcombe Farm Camping Park.

Is there a chemical toilet disposal facility at Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes there is a chemical toilet disposal point at Warcombe Farm Camping Park.

Is there gray water disposal at Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes there is disposal for greywater at Warcombe Farm Camping Park.

Are there toilet facilities at Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes there are toilet facilities at Warcombe Farm Camping Park.

Are there washing machines available on Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes, there are washing machines available on Warcombe Farm Camping Park.

Is there a facility for chemical toilet disposal on Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes, there is a facility for chemical toilet disposal on Warcombe Farm Camping Park.

Is there a playground for children on Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes, there is a playground for children on Warcombe Farm Camping Park.

Is there a possibility to exchange gas bottles on Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes, there is a possibility to exchange gas bottles on Warcombe Farm Camping Park.

Is it possible to go fishing on Warcombe Farm Camping Park or in the nearby area?

Yes, it is possible to go fishing on Warcombe Farm Camping Park or in the nearby area.

Are there sinks for washing dishes available on Warcombe Farm Camping Park?

Yes, there are sinks available for washing dishes on Warcombe Farm Camping Park.



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Value for Money
Sanitary Facilities
Food and Drink
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